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Helping you Finish on Time!
American Bindery Service & Supply, Inc. (near Los Angeles in Burbank, California) has been servicing the graphic arts, printing, finishing, mailing and bindery industries for over a decade. Our main focus is servicing and providing parts to our customers when in need. We provide solutions to improve profits, increase production and reduce down time.
Some of the equipment we offer and service are:
  • Bindery Equipment & Accessories
  • Robatech Gluing Systems
  • Streamfeeder Friction Feeders
  • Universal Robots UR3, UR5, UR10
  • Cognex Vision Systems
  • Vacuum Tables
  • Electrical Parts
  • Glue (Hot or Cold)
  • Parts & Supplies
  • On-Site Service & Repair
  • 24 / 7 Service

  Ro Logo Streamfeeder logo Universal RobotCognex

Magical Productions - Santa Clarita Web Design